The Traveller family currently includes:
Trent, Knowledge/Romance adult with a camping supply store and a Criminal job
Trisha, Popularity/Fortune adult with a sweet shop
Tina, Romance/Fortune teen
Timothy, toddler
The Travellers don't have enough money to pay their taxes, so I send Trent to his store. Fortunately, Christy pushes us up to Rank 4, so there's plenty of money.
Back at home, Tina rolled a want to fall in love with Ravi Ramaswami, so I let her. They have zero bolts, so I doubt it will last.
And that night, Timothy becomes a child.
On Wednesday, Trisha finally gets enough treats to open her store and it reaches Rank 1.
Over the course of the week, Trent has been steadily moving up the ranks of the Criminal career; on Saturday he is promoted to bank robber.
Progress toward challenge:
Taxes collected: $1350/$53,520
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